Thursday, 31 December 2009

Reflections on 2009

It's New Year's Eve 2009, and before celebrating with friends and family tonight, I want to just reflect on what has been for me an incredible year.
The main thing for me has been rediscovering my focus, passion and love for the Lord Jesus, and having dreams once again for the future. At the end of 2008, we were just booking tickets for a small team from our church to go to Cape Town in July 2009, to work in a school for excluded children on the Cape Flats and to share in the life of Cape Town Christian Fellowship, a church reaching out into that community. I had no idea how much my life would be changed. Whilst we were there, we were welcomed so much into a wonderful caring community of God's people , we recognised again the need to rely on God totally and completely as we were out of our comfort zones, and we were blown away by seeing the power of God in transforming lives of people previously lost to things such as drug addiction and gangs. We felt we received far more than we ever gave, and yet were so encouraged by the feedback from those we met who seemed to feel we had something to offer. We became aware of the enormous privileges we have and came away just wanting to share whatever we could.
Since then, relationships have developed, we have begun a partnership between our church and CTCF, we have received visitors from Cape Town, and are expecting more in 2010. We have bought a house there, and are planning further visits next year. I have fallen in love with this wonderful community, and through some of them have rediscovered my love for the Lord.

There have been some other highlights of this year: my son Tom baptised, and go on a mission trip to Argentina in the summer, joining Street Pastors, seeing our church grow and flourish in our newly refurbished building, seeing a gradual change in the international make-up of our congregation with the blessings and challenges that that brings.

My next blog will be about my hopes and expectations for 2010, but for now I want to just give thanks to my Father, my Saviour for all His faithfulness, for not giving up on me through years of mediocre Christian living, for helping me rediscover dreams and visions and for giving me amazing new opportunities to serve Him.
And thanks to all my new friends in Cape Town, there are too many to mention, but you know who you are, for your encouragements, inspiration, love and partnership. Looking forward to so much more in the future.


  1. Hi there and a great blog post i must add.God is good and there is so much He has done last year and so much He wants to di in this coming year.Prepare yourself fro the blessinf that is going to be coming your way this year.God bless and keep on doing what you are doing:-)

  2. May God continue to bless you. Your labour in the Lord is not vain. God bless you. Reagen

  3. Thanks my friends for the encouragements; God Bless!
